The purpose of this dashboard is to visualise the review collection process, helping the user understand consumer behaviour, identify any drop off points and optimise collection strategy. This current iteration of the collection funnel dashboard only contains data for feedback collected using email requests, with a dashboard for SMS review collections planned for the future.
There are 4 stages to the review collection funnel:
- Requests Sent - the number of emails sent to consumers
- Requests Opened - the number of emails consumers opened
- Forms Opened - the number of forms opened by consumers
- Requests with Feedback - the number of requests which customers left feedback for
There are also 3 types of feedback requests sent to customers:
- Initial Requests - the first request sent to the consumer
- Reminder Requests - a follow up request sent to the consumer if no feedback has been left
- Not Yet Tried (NYT) Reminder Requests - if a consumer has indicated that they have not yet tried a product in a previous review, then a follow up NYT reminder request will be sent to request feedback once the consumer has had more time to use the product.
Filter | Definition | Value |
Response Rate | Selects the response rate calculations and associated collection funnel metrics to be displayed on the dashboard. | All Responses, Initial Requests, Reminder Requests, Not Yet Tried Requests |
Feedback Type | Selects the feedback type data used for report calculations. Service feedback will display the metrics for service feedback requests and feedback received, product feedback will display the metrics for the product feedback requests and feedback received, and feedback will display will display data for sales with either service or product feedback requests and feedback received. | Service Feedback, Product Feedback and Feedback |
Not yet tried Feedback Received (0 Product Score): | Filter for selecting whether feedback with a product score of 0 (indicating a product has not yet been tried) is included in the calculation of requests with feedback. | Including Requests with NYT Feedback, Excluding Requests with NYT Feedback |
Metric | Definition | Example / Calculation |
Requests Sent |
Distinct count of sales IDs with a request sent. If service feedback type selected in the feedback type filter, this will count sale IDs with requests using forms that collect service feedback only and sale IDs with requests using forms that collect both service and product feedback. If product feedback type selected in the feedback type filter, this will count sale IDs with requests using forms that collect product feedback only and sale IDs with requests using forms that collect both service and product feedback. If feedback type is selected in the feedback type filter, this will count sale IDs with requests using any type of form. If all responses response rate or initial requests is selected in the response rate filter, this will count sale IDs with initial requests sent. If reminder requests response rate is selected, this will count sale IDs with reminder requests sent. If NYT reminder requests response rate is selected, this will count sale IDs with reminder requests sent. |
count(distinct case when .email.feedbackRequest is not NULL then saleid end) |
Requests Opened |
Distinct count sale IDs with requests that have been opened. If service feedback type selected in the feedback type filter, this will count sale IDs with opened requests for requests using forms that collect service feedback only and requests using forms that collect both service and product feedback. If product feedback type selected in the feedback type filter, this will count sale IDs with opened requests for requests using forms that collect product feedback only and requests using forms that collect both service and product feedback. If feedback type is selected in the feedback type filter, this will count sale IDs with opened requests for requests using any type of form. If all responses response rate is selected in the response rate filter, this will count sale IDs where the consumer has opened at least one of the initial, reminder or NYT reminder requests. If initial requests response rate is selected in the response rate filter, this will count sale IDs where the consumer has opened the initial request. If reminder requests response rate is selected, this will count sale IDs where the consumer has opened the reminder request. If NYT reminder requests response rate is selected, this will count sale IDs where the consumer has opened the NYT reminder request. |
count(distinct case when .email.requestViewed is not NULL then saleid end) |
Forms Opened |
Distinct count of sale IDs with forms that have been opened. If service feedback type selected in the feedback type filter, this will count sale IDs with opened forms for requests using forms that collect service feedback only and requests using forms that collect both service and product feedback. If product feedback type selected in the feedback type filter, this will count sale IDs with opened forms for requests using forms that collect product feedback only and requests using forms that collect both service and product feedback. If feedback type is selected in the feedback type filter, this will count sale IDs with opened forms for requests using any type of form. If all responses response rate is selected in the response rate filter, this will count sale IDs where the consumer has opened at least one of the initial, reminder or NYT reminder requests. If initial requests response rate is selected in the response rate filter, this will count sale IDs where the consumer has opened the initial request. If reminder requests response rate is selected, this will count sale IDs where the consumer has opened the reminder request. If NYT reminder requests response rate is selected, this will count sale IDs where the consumer has opened the reminder request. |
count(distinct case when .email.formedViewed is not NULL then saleid end) |
Request Failed |
Distinct count of sale IDs with requests that have failed Example calculation: count(distinct case when is not NULL then saleid end) Requests with Feedback Definition: Distinct count of requests with feedback. If a sale has 2 products and both have feedback, it will be counted as 1 request with feedback. If service feedback type selected in the feedback type filter, this will count sale IDs that have received service feedback. If product feedback type selected in the feedback type filter, this will count sale IDs that have received product feedback. If excluding NYT feedback is selected in the filter, this will only count sale IDs with product feedback that has a five star score above 0 (when a consumer has not yet tried an item, a five star score of 0 is given). If including NYT feedback is selected, this will count all sale IDs with product feedback. If feedback type is selected in the feedback type filter, this will count sale IDs with either service or product feedback, or both. If excluding NYT feedback is selected in the filter, this will not count sale IDs that only have product reviews with a five star score of 0. If all responses response rate is selected in the response rate filter, this will count sale IDs where the consumer has received feedback from any of the initial, reminder or NYT reminder requests. If initial requests response rate is selected in the response rate filter, this will count sale IDs where the consumer has left feedback on the initial request. If reminder requests response rate is selected, this will count sale IDs where the consumer has left feedback on the reminder request. If NYT reminder requests response rate is selected, this will count sale IDs where the consumer has left feedback on the reminder request. |
Product Feedback Calculation: count(distinct case when .email.feedbackReceived is not NULL and saleitems.productFeedback._Id is not NULL then saleId end)
Service Feedback Calculation: count(distinct case when .email.feedbackReceived is not NULL and serviceFeedback._Id is not NULL then saleId end) Feedback Calculation: count(distinct case when .email.feedbackReceived is not NULL and (sale_bits.sf_id is not NULL or sale_bits.pf_id is not NULL) then saleId end) |
Emails Open Rate | The percentage of sent email requests that were opened by consumers. | Requests Opened / Requests Sent |
Click-Through Rate (CTR) | The percentage of sent email requests that led to consumers opening the feedback form. | Forms Opened / Requests Sent |
Click-to-Open Rate (CTOR) | The percentage of sent email requests that led to consumers opening the feedback form. | Forms Opened / Requests Sent |
Form Completion Rate | The percentage of opened feedback forms that were completed and submitted with feedback. | Requests with Feedback / Forms Opened |
Response Rate | The percentage of sent requests that resulted in feedback being provided. | Requests with Feedback / Request Sent |