Feefo APIs Overview

What are APIs

An API (application programming interface) is a connection between two endpoints utilising a pre-agreed set of parameters. Feefo clients can send requests to our endpoint through API calls to provide the client with information they specify in the call.

What APIs do Feefo offer?

Below you can find a list of Feefo's APIs and their descriptions.

API Description
Reviews API This allows you to pull and render review content. It can be altered by using parameters that will determine the content that is returned by the call.
Imported Reviews API If you have the advanced option “Show Imported Reviews” enabled, the Imported Reviews API becomes active. It will return all the imported reviews together with the Feefo content in one response. Responses are sorted in reverse date order, so newest content at the top. Feefo content is marked separately to imported content.
Product Ratings API A Reviews API call can be used to provide a listing of all available product SKU's and the rating against that product over a defined period. An optional parameter can return the product count as well.
Download Feedback API The Download Feedback API is offered as a convenience API for quick download of bulk feedback in a flat file format. It is deprecated from future development so no further documentation will be added.
Enter Sale Remotely API You can upload sale information directly into the Feefo system through an API endpoint hosted by Feefo which has available parameters which can be dynamic to populate a sale upload. Each request to the API submits a single sale line.