Reevoo Reviews API Migration

Reevoo supported various APIs allowing clients to return review content and interact with it. These APIs were called Organisation, Reviewable, Product Reviews, Customer Experience Reviews, Conversations, Questionnaire, Experiences, and Fast Response.

Feefo support a variety of APIs which match, or improve on the APIs provided by Reevoo. However, Feefo will not be taking on as many APIs as Reevoo, dropping support for the Questionnaire, Experiences, and Conversations API.

The Organisation, Reviewable, Product Reviews, Customer Experience Reviews, and Fast Response APIs will be deprecated in favour to Feefo APIs referenced further below.

You may find it beneficial to read our guidance on Feefo API Requests, Responses, Enum, Product ratings, and Webhooks.


Query Feefo account

All Feefo API requests require a merchant identifier to be provided in the request parameters. The Feefo merchant identifier is the unique identifier given to each Feefo Hub account. This has replaced your TRKREF. By using an API request with a merchant identifier for a group-level Feefo Hub account, you will naturally aggregate all content collected by that Feefo Hub account, and all accounts which are children to that group-level Feefo Hub account.



Unlike the Reevoo APIs, Feefo APIs authenticates against an Oauth 2.0 bearer token, generated by secure credentials stored on your Feefo accounts App Keys. Details on how to generate and provide a bearer token are stored on our knowledgebase.

The resulting token should be applied as a Authorization header in your request, with the value being Bearer TOKENGENERATED.


Organisation and Customer Experience Reviews API

Feefo provide a Reviews API which allows you discern whether the review content returned is a summary, service only, product only, or both service and product. 

A Summary request can be used to pull basic information regarding the Feefo Hub account specified in the request, as well as an aggregated count and rating breakdown of service reviews and product reviews. Similar to the breakdown of both the Reevoo organisation and customer experience reviews API.

If you want full detail of your service review content, you can amend and extend the request.  Note that results for this query type are paginated and detail around number of pages, page size and included as meta data in the response.


Product Reviews API

Similar to the above API requests, the Feefo Reviews API can also be set to product mode, which returns review content based on the product identifier used in the request. All product content for a particular Feefo Hub account in general can also be returned, such as the below.

The request can be filtered by product SKU.

The request can be filtered by multiple product SKUs.,SKU2,SKU3

The request can be filtered by parent products SKU.

Reviewable API

Feefo provide a Product Ratings API which supports the retrieval of the rating and review count for all products, or the same content for a specifically provided product, similar to the short mode of the Reevoo reviewable API. 

For more detailed product review content, the Feefo product reviews API can be used.

All products:

Specific product:

Fast Response API

The Feefo Hub allows you to reply to review content directly, however you also reply to review content through the Feefo API, simply titled our Response/Reply API.

To respond to review content in this way you will first need to have found the identifier of the review you would like to respond to through the Reviews API. Each review element (service and each product as appropriate) will come with its own unique ID.

With the unique ID, you can send a POST request to the following API, including your response as a raw Body-JSON response.
HEADER: Authorization : Bearer TOKENGENERATED
  "author" : "John Smith",
  "response_text": "Hi Jane, Thank you for yoru review. See you again soon.",
  "notify_customer" : "true"