Sales and Product tags




Feefo provides a useful feature that allows you to create highly focused reports by tagging your sales and product data. Tags are valuable tools that help you categorise and organise your data for targeted analysis. This article will guide you through the process of using sales and product tags, explaining how to apply them in your data uploads or product catalogues. Additionally, you'll learn about using sales tags as dynamic variables within the feedback form.


How to Use Sales/Service and Product Tags

Tags can be included in your data uploads or product catalogues to create useful groupings and segments for your reports. The process involves using key:value pairs, and each tag entry is case-sensitive. If a client wants to use multiple tags, they can use a comma to separate them. The Key is defined by a list of “approved tag keys” that can be found in the Hub. 

Field name for a TXT or CSV file

Brief description


A list of service levels for analysing the data 

parent search code

An identifier for the product's parent search code


Service Tags: also called Sales tags relate to the whole order, regardless of the number of products purchased. For example, if you segment by in-store purchases and online. Any products within that order would have the same sales tag - as it’s applicable to the whole order. 

Feefo offers a variety of sales tag keys to help you categorise your data effectively. View them all here.


Product Tags: are related to a SKU - and so you would expect to see the same SKUs with the same product tags. If a customer orders multiple items, for example a black dress, a pair of heels and a bag - each of these would carry different product tags as they are very different products.

Feefo offers a variety of sales tag keys to help you categorise your data effectively. View them all here.

Parent Search code: 
A parent search code is a grouping mechanic for different variants of the same product i.e. different colours, different sizes. We recommend that clients use this so they can display their reviews for all variants of the product on the product pages for the different product variations.


Description Product Search Code Parent Search Code Department Category Product Tag
Black Dress Blackdress
blackdress Womenswear Dresses Day dresses



product=Day dresses

Beige Jumper BeigeJumper
beigejumper Womenswear Knitwear Jumper




Nude Heels Nudeheels
nudeheels Womenswear Footwear & Accessories Shoes


category=Footwear & Accessories, 


As you’ll see from the above example, they are all from the same department but different categories and products - so clients can see how Womenswear as a whole is performing, then breakdown and compare categories and products.

Note, tags are not to be confused with insight labels which are manually applied to feedback once they have been received in the Hub to track feedback trends.

Here's how to use sales and product tags:

  • Each tag entry should be in the format of key:value.
  • Tags can only be applied once per sale or product.
  • Make sure to enter the tags exactly as shown, in lowercase without spaces.
  • Sales tags can only be applied to sales data, while product tags are relevant to product catalogues.
  • If you want to use multiple tags, simply separate them using commas.
Remember, Tags are case sensitive and if you want to use multiple tags, use a comma to separate them.

For example:

saleschannel:phone,salesperson:Jane Williams

Every tag you use must include both a key and a value. The key is the tag itself, such as ‘hotel’, whereas the value (in this instance) helps define which hotel the customer booked. To ensure your tags work correctly, please use the format key:value. If a tag value contains a comma, square brackets [] must be added around the entire tag to ensure it’s read correctly by the system.

For example:

[department:CDs, Vinyl & Tapes]


Using Sales Tags in the Feedback Form as Dynamic Variables

Feefo now allows the use of sales tags as dynamic variables within the Feedback Form itself. By using the annotation  in the feedback form, where 'key' is replaced with your own sales tag key, you can merge the fields into the form.

For example, suppose you have two sales tags, "source" and "salesperson." You can use them as dynamic variables in the form builder and the result on the feedback form will display the corresponding values for each sales tag.

Sales tag in the form builder and the resulting display on the form


Example Sales Tag Keys

Feefo offers a variety of sales tag keys to help you categorise your data effectively. Below are some examples of sales tag keys and their purposes:


Tag Key Type of Tag
accommodation Sales
accommodationnumber Sales
accommodationtype Sales
accountmanager Sales
advisor Sales
airline Sales
area Sales
arranger Sales
arrivalairport Sales
branch Sales
branchmanager Sales
brand Sales
breeder     Sales
businesspartner Sales
campaign Sales
city Sales
clienttype Sales
consultant Sales
country Sales
coupon Sales
culturecode Sales
date Sales
departureairport Sales
description Sales
destinationregion Sales
device Sales
displayname Sales
fieldsalesmanager Sales
franchise Sales
gym Sales
hostname Sales
inboundairline Sales
insurance Sales
invoiceno Sales
language Sales
locale Sales
loyalty Sales
logon Sales
member Sales
nationality Sales
outboundairline Sales
pbbbooking Sales
platform Sales
productline Sales
provider Sales
region Sales
regionalmanager Sales
regionalsalesmanager Sales
reviewlanguage Sales
saledate Sales
saleschannel Sales
season Sales
service Sales
showroom Sales
showroommanager Sales
standard Sales
state Sales
store Sales
team Sales
till Sales
tourdirector Sales
trade Sales
trainer Sales
travel Sales
traveldays Sales
vehiclereg Sales


How do I use sales and product tags?

Example Product tag keys (applicable to product catalogues)

Tag Key
Type of Tag
carrier Product
category Product
colour Product
contributor Product
cruiseline Product
department  Product
departurecountry Product
destinationcountry Product
flightnumber Product
hotel Product
location Product
package Product
price Product
product Product
productbrand Product
resort Product
ship Product
size Product
style Product
title     Product
tour Product
uniqueflightcode Product
venue Product
website Product


To support Google Shopping feed

Field name for a TXT or CSV file 

Brief description


The Global Trade Item Number (GTIN)


The Manufacturer Part Number (MPN)


We will cover the uses and benefits of adding this into the data feeds in Product Data


For Products

Field name for a TXT or CSV file 

Brief description


The Global Trade Item Number (GTIN)


The Manufacturer Part Number (MPN)

parent search code

An identifier for the product's parent search code

product link 

The URL to the product page for the product 


A list of service levels for analysing the data 

product attributes

A list of additional product attributes that the customer can rate for a product. Read more

image link

The full URL starting with http or https to the product's main image

We will cover the uses and benefits of adding this into the data feeds in Product Data


To support multiple languages in one account


Field name for a TXT or CSV file 

Brief description


The customer’s locale


The language of the feedback email is defined by the account settings, however if you use locale, you can define the language of the email that is sent out.

Note, make sure the language email in the Campaign settings is set correctly. The Hub does not auto translate any changes from the English form to the other languages, it will be default wording


Using sales and product tags on Feefo is a powerful way to create focused reports and gain valuable insights from your data. By applying tags in your data uploads or product catalogues, you can organise and segment your information effectively. Additionally, using sales tags as dynamic variables within the feedback form allows for a more personalised customer experience. Refer to the example sales tag keys provided to choose the ones most relevant to your business needs. If you encounter any issues or need further assistance with using tags, Feefo's support team is available to help you optimise your data and reporting process.