



If you use WooCommerce on your WordPress site, you can install Feefo’s WooCommerce eCommerce plugin to automatically send your sales to Feefo. This means feedback requests will be sent out on your behalf without you having to manually upload any sales data.  


How does the plugin work?

WooCommerce has the following order statuses: 

  • Pending (default) 
  • Processing 
  • On-hold 
  • Completed 
  • Cancelled 
  • Refunded 
  • Failed 

Feedback requests will only be sent after an order has reached the ‘completed’ status. You can also exclude certain products so that when they are purchased, a feedback request will not be sent. Scroll down to find out more about this feature.  

The frequency with which Feefo collects your WooCommerce sales data dictates how far back newly created orders are checked to see if they have completed:

Fetch cycle

Time frame


Orders completed in the past 24 hours placed in the past 14 days


Orders completed in the past week placed in the past 45 days

Monthly Orders completed in the past month placed in the past 3 months
Quarterly Orders completed in the past 3 months placed in the past 6 months


How to install the Feefo WooCommerce Plugin

Before starting the installation process, make sure that the accounts you plan to use for both WordPress Admin and the Feefo Hub have the same login email address. Then you need to check that the URL on your Feefo Hub account matches the website you're installing the plugin on. To do this, head to Settings > Brand Profile, and find the 'Website Forwarding URL' then ensure that this is an exact match e.g., there should be no '/' at the end of the URL. If you’re installing the plugin on a URL which isn’t on your contract, please let us know before doing so.

Once you’ve checked this, take the following steps to install the plugin: 

  1. Login to the WordPress Admin for your website 
  2. Click ‘Plugins’ > ‘Add New’. 
  3. In the search bar, type ‘Feefo’ 
  4. Click Install Now for ‘Feefo Ratings & Reviews’ 
  5. When the installation has completed successfully, select ‘Activate Plugin’ 
  6. Click the ‘Feefo’ menu which has appeared in the left-hand navigation menu 
  7. Select ‘Start Plugin Setup’ 
  8. WooCommerce will ask you to approve read access for Feefo Ratings & Reviews to your store, click Approve 
  9. If you are an existing Feefo customer you will be asked to authenticate your account, otherwise you will be asked to confirm your store details to register a free account 
  10. You can choose to set a delay between orders being completed and Feefo sending the feedback request to your customers – this is recommended as it will take some time for customers to receive and use your product. You can also choose to send feedback requests for historical orders 
  11. Click ‘Complete Setup’ to activate the widget code on your website. Please note the widget will only appear once your first customer review has been received 
  12. You will be taken to the Feefo Plugin Configuration page where you can apply further customisations, but aside from that, you are good to go!

To check that the plugin installation was successful, within the Feefo Hub first just click on your name in the top right corner and check that your merchant identifier is the same as before to ensure that it was installed on the intended account. Then if you head to Sales > Data Sources, you should see the name of the plugin you just installed listed here. If you have any questions about the installation, you notice your merchant identifier has changed, or you’d like for us to check that the plugin installation was successful, please just get in touch.


Changing widget positions

Once the product review stars and product reviews are being displayed, you can check their placement and if needed, change their position. To do this, follow these steps: 

  1. Log into the WordPress Admin for your website 
  2. Click the ‘Feefo’ menu in the left-hand navigation menu to access the Feefo Plugin Configuration page 
  3. Select ‘Custom Location’ 
  4. Follow the instructions given and click ‘Save Changes’


Disabling WooCommerce reviews

As WooCommerce has its own reviews system, we recommend disabling your WooCommerce reviews once your Feefo reviews are up and running. Here’s how to do this: 

  1. Login to the WordPress Admin for your website 
  2. Click the ‘Feefo’ menu in the left-hand navigation to access the Feefo Plugin Configuration page 
  3. Tick ‘Disable WooCommerce reviews system (recommended)’ 
  4. Click ‘Save’


How to set products as excluded   

You may wish set certain products as excluded, so that customers who purchase these items will not be sent a feedback request. This can come in handy if you allow customers to order samples through your site, for example. 

To do this, you need to add an attribute ‘feefo_exclude’ and then assign it to the products that you wish to exclude. Here are the steps you need to follow: 

  1. Log in to the WordPress Admin for your website 
  2. Click ‘Products’ > ‘Attributes’ 
  3. Complete the ‘Add New Attribute’ form by setting the name and slug to Feefo and leave the other fields as they are. Then click ‘Add Attribute’ 
  4. Click the cog icon next to the new Feefo attribute 
  5. Complete the new ‘Add New Feefo’ form by setting the name and slug to feefo_exclude and leaving the other fields as they are. Click ‘Add New Feefo’ 

Now that the custom attribute has been set up, you need to assign it to the products you wish to exclude from receiving a Feefo feedback request. 

  1. Click ‘Products’ 
  2. Find a product you wish to exclude, hover over the product name and click ‘Edit’ 
  3. Within the Product Data section, click ‘Attributes’ 
  4. Select Feefo from the drop-down list and click ‘Add’ 
  5. Click into the ‘Value(s)’ box and select feefo_exclude  
  6. Untick the option ‘Visible on the product page’ 
  7. Click ‘Save Attributes’ 

Repeat the above steps for each product you wish to exclude. If you are updating a large number of products there are third-party plugins available for bulk editing which you may find useful. 


Uninstalling your WooCommerce plugin

If you ever want to uninstall your Feefo WooCommerce plugin, simply follow these instructions: 

  1. Log into the WordPress Admin for your website 
  2. Click ‘Plugins’ 
  3. Find ‘Feefo Ratings & Reviews’ and click ‘Deactivate’. Then, to completely remove the plugin, click ‘Delete’ 
  4. You will be asked for confirmation. Click ‘Yes’ to delete the files and data



Installing Feefo's WooCommerce plugin streamlines feedback requests and enhances the review collection process. With proper configuration, customers' feedback will be automatically sent to Feefo for improved customer engagement. In case of any issues or questions, don't hesitate to contact us for assistance.